With over fifty years of biking under my belt, I have witnessed the profound impact of bicycle safety—or the lack thereof—firsthand. A vivid memory that has never faded over the past four-and-a-half decades is of a fellow cyclist surviving a frightening collision with a vehicle. The lifesaver? A simple, yet essential, piece of gear: a helmet. That encounter forever cemented the importance of wearing a helmet in my mind, shaping my unwavering commitment to bicycle safety.
Now, in a time when cycling accidents are on an alarming rise, I feel a renewed sense of urgency to address this issue. I’ve always found the rules of the road to be simple, practical, and intuitive. Yet, I see cyclists daily who, for reasons unknown, choose to ignore these life-preserving rules. These cyclists not only endanger themselves but also others around them.
I recently had a chilling experience that highlighted this issue starkly. My wife and I were driving when a cyclist, with a child seated behind her, emerged suddenly from our blind spot at an intersection. Our vigilance averted what could have been a tragic accident. This incident, however, left me wondering about the disregard for rules that put not only the cyclist’s life in danger but also the life of an innocent child.
Against this backdrop, it’s worth revisiting the simple yet crucial cycling rules stated on the Michigan Bicycle Law website:
Cyclists should ride close to the right curb unless certain conditions demand otherwise.
Sidewalks are permissible, but cyclists must yield to pedestrians and signal when overtaking them.
A maximum of two bicycles can ride side-by-side.
Hand signals are mandatory for indicating turns and deceleration.
Proper lighting is required when cycling around dawn or dusk.
Bicycles should only carry as many people as they are designed to carry.
Bicycles must have efficient brakes.
Attachment of bicycles or riders to vehicles is prohibited.
Carrying packages should not compromise the rider’s control of the bicycle.
Limited-access highways are off-limits to bicycles.
Bicycles should be parked in a manner that doesn’t obstruct pedestrians or traffic.
Although not mandatory by law, helmets and avoidance of cellphone use while biking are strongly recommended.
Despite making up just 1% of all trips in the U.S., cyclists represent over 2% of fatalities in crashes involving motor vehicles. Nearly 1,000 bicyclists die annually in the U.S., with over 130,000 sustaining injuries in road crashes. The financial implications are staggering too, with the costs associated with bicycle injuries and deaths exceeding $23 billion annually.
Adults between the ages of 55-69 experience the highest bicycle death rates, with adolescents and young adults leading in bicycle-related injuries. Gender also plays a significant role, with male bicyclists facing death rates six times higher and injury rates five times higher than their female counterparts.
Risks are particularly pronounced in urban areas and on stretches of roads away from intersections. Alarmingly, around a third of fatal bicycle crashes involve alcohol for either the motor vehicle driver or the cyclist.
As cyclists, we need to grasp the importance of these sobering statistics. The rules of the road are not mere suggestions or inconveniences—they are our protective shield, designed to keep us and those around us safe. By adhering to these rules, we contribute to the overall safety of our roads, respect each other, and potentially save lives.
Let’s start a dialogue about bicycle safety in our communities and share this post with those we care about. Change starts with us.